Dec 2017

True and False are never equivalent, this is the solemn vow of boolean logic. In this profession, False is never going to break that vow and decide that it doesn't need to not be True and it is just going to run off and become logically independent of True because it decided that it wanted to become Maybe, Might Have, or What If!...
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Sep 2017

The truth of the matter is that the best way for anyone, these athletes included, to accept, maximise, validate, and otherwise approve of my personal sacrifice is for them to exercise their liberty to do so! The irony is that folks invoke my good name and service to defend liberty so that they might oppress and restrict those that disagree with them!...
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Jun 2016
Jun 2016

My father died on June 15, 2002. I remember him every fathers day and the legacy that he, and all my ancestors, have left for me to push forward. The men in my family have long been sons of the King!...
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Jun 2016

When it comes to U.S. Taxes, I often consider myself to be the tenth man. Most all of my less conservative friends regularly tell me that I should pay more taxes than I do, but I'm not in such agreement with them on that topic. Here is the way I sometimes wish my story would end....
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Jun 2011
Tommy cracks me up … but that is a nice picture. For those of you who can’t quite read the text, click on the image to enlarge it....
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Jun 2011
Jeremiah 1:5 – God knows each before they are even formed in the womb.Ephesians 2:1 – Our lives, actions, works, have been prepared for us beforehand by God Himself.Psalm 95:6 – worship, bowdown, kneel before the Lord, our Maker.Jeremiah 29:6 – Marry and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease.Jeremiah 29:11 – God has plan for your future and hopeJeremiah 31:17 – Hope for the future, childrenRuth 4:13b – The Lord......
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May 2011
Back in 2004, our family was much smaller (myself, Tracey, Samantha, and Bethany) and we could fit into a 2001 Ford Focus easily. On one particular trip, Tracey, Samantha and Bethany were all reading novels as I drove towards our destination, and it had been quite some time since anyone had spoken. I had Led Zeppelins Boxed Set jamming, and life was good as the family took to the open road. Suddenly, from the rear of the car, Bethany exclaimed, “I hate the tone of her voice!” Bethany was somewhere between eight......
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May 2011
I love Spurgeon. I have an extensive collection of his sermons and various other writings. As well, I fancy I share a number of things in common with the man. We both love to pursue Christ, enjoy fine cigars, suffer the pain of gout, neither have attained a college education, are overly familiar with depression, and the list could go on and on. Most importantly to me Spurgeon knew unbelievable physical pain and would glorify God through that. His first attack of gout came in 1869 at the age of 35 (mine......
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Apr 2011
Things to Remember Requires two tanks to get to him, but only one to tank him. Mangle automatically kills the tank if not broken within 30 seconds. It is exceptionally easy for a hunter to accidentally begin auto-shots on Magmaw simply by moving and turning in the room with right-mouse-button. This happens because as of 4.0.3, the entire floor of the room for ~20 yards in front of Magmaw is considered targeting his lower body. So long as there is at least 1 player within melee range of Magmaw, he won’t become......
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