Dec 2017

True and False are never equivalent, this is the solemn vow of boolean logic. In this profession, False is never going to break that vow and decide that it doesn't need to not be True and it is just going to run off and become logically independent of True because it decided that it wanted to become Maybe, Might Have, or What If!...
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Jun 2016

If you research the following story on the internet, you will find many say that it is redneck legend (that’s like an urban legend but rednecks don’t live in urbania) – however, I may or may not happen to be friends with the fellow that wrote this!...
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Apr 2010

I am fully aware that America (and the world in general) has determined that Tobacco, in all forms, is an evil, insidious, disease ridden addiction that is likely the root cause of all the problems we have today; and that if we do not create laws that forcibly prevents people from growing it and/or engaging in the use of it we will only destine ourselves to greater evils still. But, I reckon I’m well on the other side of peer pressure, and I’m just not that concerned with what America (and the......
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Aug 2009
When my birth daughters (Samantha and Bethany) were relatively young, perhaps four and six years old, they managed to get into enough trouble to be grounded. I don’t remember precisely what they had done, suffice it to say that they weren’t allowed to watch TV, Movies, or anything like that for a week. It turns out that this was a pretty cool deal. I would come home from work, we would eat dinner, and then the whole family would retire to the living room where Tracey and I would read books while......
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Aug 2009
I got out of the US Navy at the end of the year 1999 and started a new job in Jackson Mississippi in January of 2000, where I met Tommy Jinks. Tommy and I ended up working together at the same company, and quickly determined that we were of the same disposition. Tommy was raised in the boondocks of Louisiana and enjoyed a rural upbringing, while I was raised in a trailer park in Mississippi on a rural route as well. We had both known the Brotherhood of War, enjoyed good company,......
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Aug 2009
I’ve been told, on occasion, that I am a relatively good story teller. There’s no doubt I have been blessed with the Gift of Gab; whenever the opportunity arises, I tend to have story to tell that in some way, shape, or fashion fits the situation. It has been suggested that I document these stories and perhaps even write a book. I’m not sure that I am in the book writing class of story tellers; however, I reckon I can blog my stories as well as anyone and it honestly doesn’t feel......
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