Sep 2017

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, feed the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house. Exercise no restraint, but pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted that your light might shine.
When you see the choice, one opportunity to glorify God without risking your life and another opportunity to glorify God by risking your life, choose the option with the greater risk because you are surrounded by those who will serve by taking the less risky option.
Stand firm in the faith,......
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Mar 2009
When Tracey and I married back in 1991, it didn’t take me long to come to the conclusion that she can’t cook. I mean, she’s a third generation German raised by Italians; and while you might expect some good cooking to come out of that, Macaroni and Cheese is her specialty – six meals out of seven. I cook the seventh meal. Tracey’s mom works for Kraft, and Tracey loves Kraft Macaroni and Cheese – so you can see how we arrived at this situation. Perhaps I’m being a wee bit unfair......
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Dec 2008
We have been struggling against complacency for some time now in an attempt to move from Dreamhost to Mosso (thanks to Joseph Szobody) and are finally making some progress. You will notice that we have now added this site (blog.hines57.com) to Mosso as well as our Photo Album (photos.hines57.com) which means we have two out of three up (we still need to get the wiki set up) and running. We are happy with the green look and feel, so we will be sticking with that for some time to come. Bear with......
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