by Bubba
So, Rob really got busy this weekend and we have things in place….a bit more than we did on Friday, anyway.
We have a place to rent. Rob is moving into an apartment next week. He is also planning on flying up here to help me out next weekend, I think he just misses me, but I am fine with that.
We have narrowed the search down to two places.
1. A new home being built. Ready in February – has great floorplan, walk out basement, new development, nice area, large home – EVERYTHING new. Space for a pool, no land.
Richmond home with walkout basement
2. A home Rob found yesterday, an 85 year old woman living alone in Gastonia, selling a beautiful ranch with over 3000 sf, 6.7 acres and needs updating – Rob fell in love with the lady, the home and the land. Rob said the house is much better in person and I assume we would take up the carpet and put down hardwood floors and get rid of the wallpaper.
MLS Num Price Bedrooms Bathrooms
600740 $249,900 3 3
City Square Feet Lot Size Year Built
Gastonia 3,195 6.7 1970
I am good with either, I assume that since the older woman is still living in the house, they would both close about the same time so that is not an issue. We will get firm prices on the new house with all the upgrades we want on either Monday night or Tuesday and then make a decision and and offer on Wednesday.
The girls and I plan on moving over Thanksgiving. I have to write the letter to their teachers today.
My bronchitis is better, still not able to sleep for more than 4 hours in a row – for the past week – so that is hard. But my chest feeling clearer and my body doesn’t hurt as much from all the hacking. The girls have been great help and it has “kind of” been relaxing.
Okay, that is the update for now. Love you all.
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