House Rules

by Bubba
Scripture has a lot to say about the poor and how I ought to relate to them. Proverbs 19:17; 1 John 3:17-18; Proverbs 14:31; Deuteronomy 15:10-11; Isaiah 28:10; Acts 20:35; Matthew 25:31-46; Luke 14:12-14; Matthew 19:21; Luke 12:33; Proverbs 22:9; Isaiah 24:5; James 1:27; Exodus 22:22-24; Isaiah 1:17; Psalm 68:5; Psalm 146:9; Job 29:12 to name a few. This weight of commands could not be ignored in our lives as we love Jesus (John 14:15; John 14:21) we must love what and as he loves.
Mark 12:28-34; Matthew 22:34-40; Matthew 22:46; Luke 10:25-28 Teach me to love my neighbor as myself. If I saw myself on the street, homeless, hungry, sick, and tired what would my love of myself require of me? I would tenderly pick myself up, take myself home, feed myself, nurse myself back to health, cloth myself, and find rest. This is love in my mind, that I would love others as I love myself.
We have historically adopted many young men and women (homeless, ex-convicts, gang members) into our clan and invited them into our home. Other men continue asking us (practically) how we do that, what are the rules/guidelines in place? Here are nine rules that everyone in my house must abide by:
- No Weapons Allowed
- No Drugs Allowed
- No Porn Allowed
- No Stealing Allowed
- No Lying Allowed
- No Men over Nineteen in My House When I Ain’t Here (exceptions permitted)
- No Asking For Money
- No Jobless Folks Over Nineteen (Working or Searching for a job)
- Don’t touch my Thermostat!
- Exercise Devotional/Prayer Time Daily
These rules are built on two unconditional assumptions:
- They are Pursuing Christ (This requires discernment)
- They Never Do Anything to Place My Clan at Risk (This requires common sense.)
After a few days of integrating into the home, I begin to engage them in some self-discipline exercises.
- Read Proverbs Daily
- Get eight hours sleep, and be up by 6:00 am each weekday
This can be a real struggle for them, particularly the second, it can take up to a month of constantly encouraging/admonishing to get these to be a solid part of their lives.
What is the long term goal?
- See them grow in Christ
- See them join the local body of Christ
- See them serving thier community
- Learn to be an employee and hard worker
- Learn to manage their finances
- Learn to pursue romantic relationships
- Learn to move out and get their own place
- Get married
- Have Kids
- Raise Kids in Christ that call me Pawpaw!
That’s the short story! If you would like to talk more about it, Tracey and I are typically available for a cup of coffee or a meal.
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